• Made available by a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration to a state, territory of federally recognized tribe.

  • Each state, territory or federally recognized tribe is considered the “applicant” and has a designated state agency that submits the application for funding.

  • Organizations such as cities, towns, villages, counties, and special districts are considered subapplicants and must submit subapplications to the state agency; tribal governments can also choose to be subapplicants.
  • All subapplicants must have a Hazard Mitigation Plan.

  • Requires non-federal cost share, usually 75% federal and 25% on-federal; non-federal portion can include cash, donated or third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof (for example, a local power company may be willing to donate the pole and/or installation of a siren; this would be considered “in-kind”)
An Authorized Sentry Siren, Inc. Dealer Since 1987